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Sephora is coming to town…

Ok! Don’t panic. Nik, don’t panic hun. It’s happening. It’s all bloody happening!!!! Sephora is coming to the UK. I could squeal with glee (ha of course who am I kidding, I squealed with glee, joy and all the other words for excitement like a little bitch.)

Once I had finished scrolling through their social media pretending I’ve never seen it before and gathering my huge Wishlist ready it got me thinking…….

If you’ve been around for a while you know how I adore New York. With New York comes shopping and with shopping in New York comes spending half your monthly salary (half, all, I mean who’s counting) in shops we don’t have in the UK or not local.

Walking in to Sephora is like another world. Not to be a girl about it but it’s just so freaking pretty!!!!!! I power walk my ass around that shop (ok all of them in Manhattan) with my little basket like it’s the first time I have ever left the house. Always such a joy to Carol, who is standing in the corner pretending she’s never met me before. ‘Hey Carol Hun, do you want a face mask?’ Course she does mun.

Chuck it all in and gleefully skip to the checkout where I proudly get out my Sephora card like it’s a black AMEX. I’m not even sure what it does but hey ho it fills me with joy.

I used to be a huge fan of Victoria’s Secret and would always visit every time I was in London. THEN they open a location in Cardiff and I was sooo excited. The shop is beautiful and smells like the perfect mix of lust, desire and passion (well played to that old man who lives in Ohio.)

But, like many great love affairs the novelty wore off. It was so accessible and there whenever I wanted I just didn’t want it anymore (this may also explain why I’m single but that’s a convo for my future therapist.)

The amount I talk about Sephora and Bath and Body Works I should have shares in the company (I am open to a discussion on this.) I just think they are such amazing shops and their products are pretty and actually work (I’m talking Sephora own brand here as that is always my go to.)

I’ve pleaded with all the beauty gods many times to open these shops here. But now with Sephora coming very soon will the novelty wear off and I’m left surrounded by a ton of unopened face masks, wipes and lipsticks. Least the wipes will keep me warm when Carol won’t let me put the heating on.

Do I only frolic around these brands because I want what I can’t have? Does the sheer joy of gliding around the streets of New York with my Sephora carrier bag just dying for someone to ask my skincare routine only come because it happens occasionally?

Will I be left saddened and deflated as I light my tenth Bath and Body Works candle that day just because I can. Do I just want it all because I can’t have it? I’ll let you know the final feedback after a few more hundred million trips. I mean probably, maybe, but who cares look at all my pretty new purchases.


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